Are you ready to up your artificial intelligence and social media acumen in real estate? Tune into the Social Selling Made Simple with Marki Lemons Ryhal podcast! We are your go-to spot, especially if you're a Realpreneur keen on selling more homes and making a more significant impact in less time.

Every other week, we bring you genuine, insightful chats with the big names in the industry – think top agents, savvy coaches, and social media whizzes. They're here to share their proven strategies, helping you draw in clients like a magnet from the online world.



Are you ready to up your artificial intelligence and social media acumen in real estate? Tune into the Social Selling Made Simple with Marki Lemons Ryhal podcast! We are your go-to spot, especially if you're a Realpreneur keen on selling more homes and making a more significant impact in less time.

Every other week, we bring you genuine, insightful chats with the big names in the industry – think top agents, savvy coaches, and social media whizzes. They're here to share their proven strategies, helping you draw in clients like a magnet from the online world.


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/rē(ə)l, prəˌno͝or/


Definition: A portmanteau of "real estate" and "entrepreneur" referring to an individual who engages in entrepreneurial ventures within the real estate industry. This can involve various aspects of real estate, such as property development, investment, management, or sales. A realpreneur combines the innovation and risk-taking typical of an entrepreneur with specific knowledge and expertise in the real estate market.

The Real Estate Tasks AI Never Gets Tired Of w/ Lee Dickson

Jul 23, 2024


If you ask most real estate agents what takes up most of their time, and burns them out the most, it’s top-of-funnel marketing activities. But in order to close more deals, our effort actually needs to be dedicated to those final push bottom-of-funnel activities.

Generating hundreds of leads and turning them into conversations can be a real drain on agents. But those time-consuming, draining and repetitive tasks are actually where AI shines, and the great thing is, it will never get tired of it. By taking those tasks off our plates, we can double our productivity and increase our income.

How can we put AI into our lead generation process for more productivity? Can AI help us convert at a higher level? In this episode, I’m joined by Director of Sales and Operations at RAIA, Lee Dickson. He shares how their bot can streamline and skyrocket our marketing.

80% of top of the funnel conversations can be done with AI without missing a beat. -Lee Dickson


Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

  • Apply AI to the low hanging fruit
    As agents, a lot of our time and energy goes to top of the funnel tasks. Can AI cut our work in half or even cut it out completely? 
  • Unique ways to leverage RAIA
    AI tools like ChatGPT have a wealth of information, but that can be overwhelming for consumers. How can you make the process more clear cut and decisive? 
  • Additive AI vs. dynamic AI
    AI can either make what we’re doing marginally better or completely transform our processes. How do we make sure it’s the latter?


Guest Bio

Lee Dickson has over 7+ years of productizing AI solutions, predictive analytics, cultivating channel partner relationships, and deploying strategies to streamline workflows for SMB's and enterprise-level clients. His focus over the years has revolved primarily around leveraging innovation and delivering tailored solutions that are focused on driving sustainable growth in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. With an extensive background in technology and SaaS, he's an advocate for using AI to solve real-world problems that build strong relationships between businesses and their customer base through customizable conversations with digital agents. As the Director of Sales and Operations for RAIA, his company helps deploy digital assistants to automate business processes through conversational AI functions that can interact with consumers and employees alike. By working side by side with companies to understand their areas to improve, RAIA can provide direct support to sales, customer experience, marketing, and a variety of other business functions. To learn more, go to and connect with Lee on LinkedIn.

6-Figure REALPRENEUR Workshop

Welcome to the 6-Figure REALPRENEUR Workshop! 

Here's your blueprint to a thriving real estate business - completely FREE!  Don't worry if you're new to marketing; no prior experience is needed here. 

Just pop in your details below and grab your complimentary Roadmap to sustainable business growth. 

Let's get you on the path to success!

100% Free workshop. No credit card needed.

6-Figure REALPRENEUR Workshop

Welcome to the 6-Figure REALPRENEUR Workshop! 

Here's your blueprint to a thriving real estate business - completely FREE!  Don't worry if you're new to marketing; no prior experience is needed here. 

Just pop in your details below and grab your complimentary Roadmap to sustainable business growth. 

Let's get you on the path to success!

100% Free workshop. No credit card needed.

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7300 S. Cottage Grove Ave
Chicago, IL 60653

ReMarkiTable, LLC
7300 S. Cottage Grove Ave
Chicago, IL 60653